Ritchie Thai's Blog – February 2011 Archive (2)

ADC Sample Code has a bug (it seems)

There seems to be a mistake, because the code did not work, and after my change, it did work.



    bsf        ADCON0,2        ;start conversion and wait for it to complete

    btfsc    ADCON0,2

    goto    $-2


goto $-2 is wrong, because it goes back 2 lines and starts the conversion all over again. You'll want to goto $-1 instead, to just test until the conversion is done.


However, I would reccommend this…


Added by Ritchie Thai on February 19, 2011 at 7:21pm — No Comments

Tool: MPASM LCD String Writing Code Generator



You know what I say to tables? Well, I don't say it, because I am not the type to publicly use such language, but once you get past the character limit it causes problems that can be tricky even if the solution is known.


Here's a work around that I'm using. "can" wasn't worth making a table for. A table would take 4 lines. If you include the code to…


Added by Ritchie Thai on February 1, 2011 at 1:30am — No Comments

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