does anyone get a different message displayed on the LCD than the one assigned ?
my code for my evaluation works but when I alter it, different messages will pop up when not called

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u proabably exceed table's 256 lines limit

it is very easy to excede the 256 lines limit...

 but doesnt exceeding the limit give an error ? or does it just do weird shit to your program ?

i'm not sure (I kinda had another error that wasn't being picked up, but by the time i found that out i had changed things up...)

to me it gives an error, but I know some other people don't get an error. Instead, their program counter jumps to the beginning for some unknown reason 


hmmm okay  thanks so muchh >/span>

check to see that you have the ,0 after the table where it begins doing wierd stuff...

Also make sure you hold your keypad properly.. don't let it bend.


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