Has anyone had a problem with PIC18 that the 2 line display wouldn't work?

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Have you tried adding a nop in ClkLCD?

Oh I'm using a different sample code - the one in the textbook

Doesn't matter what you use. Wherever your code is that delays the PIC by a bit before clocking the LCD or sending signals, add a nop.
That did the trick for me last year and was a common problem. I suspect that it's a timing issue caused by the DevBugger's ridiculous amount of intermediate buffers and chips. (When you use a simpler board, it works!)

a I added a nop at the beginning of a delay subroutine - it still doesn't work T.T

gotta do it at the end. just trust.

 still doesn't ToT

 at the end of the delay subrotine?


 yes, and this is a delay subroutine for the LCD?

yes - the one that's supposed to delay 5 ms

you changed all your gotos from $-1 to $-2? (the compiler should complain before this though)

yea - i mean there weren't any goto $-1 in the code

ok, I'm out of ideas.... i tried


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